A Direct Discrete-Time Output Feedback-based LS-RMRAC for Grid-tied Current Control Loop of a Static 3-Wire Converter under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Conditions


Robust Adaptive Control
Grid-tied converter
LCL filter

Como Citar

A Direct Discrete-Time Output Feedback-based LS-RMRAC for Grid-tied Current Control Loop of a Static 3-Wire Converter under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Conditions. (2022). ForScience, 10(1), e00993. https://doi.org/10.29069/forscience.2022v10n1.e993


Nowadays, renewable energy generation is a worldwide tendency. These clean sources are generally tied to the grid by voltage-fed static converters. In this work, a direct discrete-time Output Feedback-based LS (Least Squares)-RMRAC (Robust Model Reference Adaptive Control) is proposed for grid-side current loop control of a static 3-wire converter connected to the grid through LCL filter. The proposed control method mitigates the LCL filter resonance,
rejects grid disturbances without needing Resonant Controllers implementation, and deals properly with grid uncertainties and parametric variations, being suitable for grids with unbalanced voltage conditions. Simulation results of proposed controller are presented.

Keywords: Robust Adaptive Control. Grid-tied converter. LCL filter.



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