Current Issue
ForScience Magazine is a multidisciplinary technical-scientific journal of semi-annual publication in continuous flow, that has the mission to disseminate the knowledge resulting from scientific research in the areas of Computer Science, Agrarian Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Education, Management / Administration, Science Teaching and Mathematics.
The Journal focus is on publishing original writings like articles, theoretical essays, systematic, reports on experiences and work replication as well.
Target readers: researchers, teachers, professional managers, students and other professional people who wish to make known the results of analysis and findings from research studies.
Submissions: Streaming throughout the year.
Periodicity: Streaming semester publication. As soon as the work is approved and pass through editing steps it will be released and published (continuous flow).
Index: Directory of Brazilian Magazines at SEER (Ibitct) and Google Academics.
Ranking / Evaluation Area
B3 - Public administration and business, accounting and tourism
B4 - Interdisciplinary
B4 - Engineering I
B5 - Engineering III
B5 - Engineering IV
C - Computer Science
The scope of the ForScience Magazine is to publish unpublished works, resulting from theoretical and theoretical-empirical development, which present original contributions and are in line with the lines of research addressed by the Journal.
Publicação de artigos
Prezados(as) autores(as),
Informamos que, após contratempos que resultaram em atraso no processo editorial, a Revista ForScience publica, nesta data, o Volume 12, Número 1, referente ao ano de 2024. Adicionalmente, comunicamos que a publicação do Volume 12, Número 2, de 2024 está prevista para ocorrer ainda no mês de dezembro de 2024.
Ressaltamos que os trabalhos atualmente em fase de avaliação, revisão ou normalização continuarão a ser processados e serão incluídos em um dos números mencionados, tão logo concluam todas as etapas do fluxo editorial.
Agradecemos pela compreensão e pela confiança em nosso trabalho editorial.
Equipe Editorial da Revista ForScience
Atualização do OJS - Revista ForScience
Prezados autores,
É com grande satisfação que o Conselho Editorial da Revista ForScience comunica que o periódico já se encontra disponível na mais nova plataforma de gerenciamento de publicações periódicas on line, o Open Journal Systems (OJS) versão 3.2.
Administration / Management
Classificações Qualis-Capes: B3