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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The writing is original, and it is not being assessed for publishing by another journal; otherwise, it is necessary a justifying comment to “Cömments to the editor”.
  • The file for publication has to be sent in Microsoft Word or LaTeX format. URLs for referrals were informed when possible.
  • The text is in the space of 1.5; uses a 12-point font; uses bold instead of underscore (except URL addresses); the figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments. The file size does not exceed 5Mb.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements defined by the area to which the article is being submitted, described in the Submissions Section.
  • All co-authors have made an effective contribution to the development of the work being aware of and agreeing to their submission in the evaluation process in ForScience Magazine.
  • The names of all coauthors must be entered at the time of submission and in the order of authorship of the work. The authors are aware that after the submission it will not be possible to insert new authors nor to change the order of authorship previously inserted.

Author Guidelines

ForScience Magazine offers two layout templates for article formatting, as follows:


                                  ARTICLE LAYOUT - MODEL MICROSOFT WORD (.DOCX)                      ARTICLE LAYOUT - MODEL LATEX (.RAR)

For more information on submitting articles to ForScience, read our tutorial: SUBMISSION TUTORIAL

ForScience Magazine follows the good research practices of ANPAD, because based on the manual, it presents a set of criteria and guidelines regarding scientific publication and the roles of the main actors involved in the process, both ethically and operationally. Access document.



A complete article has to contain a maximum of 20 pages. As for the margins they must be ( upper and left 3.0 cm; right and bottom 2.0 cm) and inter line space of 1,5cm. Size page has to be A4 size, definitely. The paper should be typed on Word for program or LATEX and it must be sent via one of these two versions mentioned above Files should not be bigger than 5MB.

Note: Author’s name must not be informed in the article.


a) Title: Should be on News Roman 12 size font in boldface type.

b) Summary: Should be on News Roman font size 12. The articles should have a summary in Portuguese language (with no paragraphs, and simple space, justified) with 3 to 5 key words, aligned to the left and in Portuguese language.

c) Key words : Just below the summary, without spaces between lines, key words must be informed in number from 3 up to 5 in Portuguese language and separated by a full stop and with each first letter capitalized for each key word and the other letters in small. Times New Roman, size 12, simple space and aligned to the left.

d) Title: Title:Just below the key words is the English language version for the title following the same format as for the title in Portuguese above mentioned.

e) Abstract: It is a summary in English typed below the Title

f) Key words: Just below the abstract, the key words must be typed in English, in the same aforesaid format for the key words.

g) Page numbering: The number of each page has to be typed just on the upper margin and aligned to the right side, in Times New Roman font size 10 (ten), in boldface typing starting from the the first page of the paper.

h) Titles for the sections : the titles for the sections of the article must be typed on the left side, in boldface type numbered with Arabic numbering system. Times New Roman size 12 font in boldface type must be used for the text. No full stop for the titles.

i) The layout of the text : The layout of the text: The text has to contain an introduction, the development, a discussion of the results, and a conclusion. The text must be written starting immediately below the title or sub title of the corresponding section. Use Font Times New Roman size 12, justified, with a 1 column format and 1,5cm space between lines.

j) Footnotes : Footnotes should be avoided. Used only when if extremely necessary.

k) Initials : The complete form of the word must be written for naming organizations and entities as soon as it appears for the first time in the text, then, later the letters that stand for that can be used. For example: Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais (IFMG).

l) Other : Numbers one to nine must be written in full, (In words). Foreign language words and names of programs/works must be in italic type form .

m) References: The title “References” has to be in the center and typed in font Times New Roman size 12. Bibliographical references must be presented in alphabetical order with all content information which is necessary for identification, and in conformity with NBR 60/23 ABNT norms.

n) Acknowledgments: When it is necessary it must be inserted right after the conclusion of the work followed by the title “Acknowledgements”.



For including citations on the paper follow the NBR 10520:2002 rules. Each text reference should correspond to a complete reference in the list at the end of the text body. Make sure if all references are included before sending the paper. Citations must be in the same language the document is written.

a) Indirect citation (without quotation marks): in the body of the text, for one author, (SURNAME, year).

b) Indirect quotation (without quotation marks): on the text, for authorship and for relevant work, SURNAME, year; SURNAME, year).

c) Indirect quotation (without quotation marks): on the body of the text the, two authors for one written work (SURNAME; SURNAME, year).

d) Direct quotation (with quotation marks) up to three lines: “A postura do professor centralizador e ‘dono do saber’ transforma-se em uma atitude de orientador e facilitador de aprendizagem.” (SURNAME, year, p. 00).

e) When omitting part of the direct quotation: “[...] em função da velocidade das mudanças e de novos paradigmas, pois o que é novo hoje amanhã poderá estar superado(SURNAME, year, p. 00).

f) Direct quotation longer than three lines must be highlighted: With a moving of 4cm to the left, in font Times New Roman size 10, simple space and without quotaion marks.



Tables format is different from pictures and graphic format. Arabic numbering system is used for tables. It must be in sequence and written just above the tables. The word TABLE. A title is needed for each table, written in full and on top of it. The content and its reach have to be informed, and it comes in font Times New Roman size 10 and aligned to the left. The source is to be informed under the table to indicate the influence of the information and is preceded by the word Source.

The same format is to be followed for graphs and pictures, but the information about them comes lower and does the source.



Reference have to comply with NBR 6023:2002 rules. They might be presented in alphabetical order, with simple space and double space between them, and they might be aligned to the left as follow:

a) Book:

CHIAVENATO, Idalberto. Recursos humanos: o capital humano das organizações. 9. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2009.

b) Book chapter:

HIBBELER, R. C. Equilíbrio de um ponto material. In: HIBBELER, R. C. Estática: mecânica para engenharia. 10. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2005. p. 68-95.

c) Newspaper article:

PAIVA, Anabela. Trincheira musical: músico dá lições de cidadania em forma de samba para crianças e adolescentes. Jornal do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, p. 2, 12 jan. 2002.

d) Newspaper article:

REZENDE, Denis Alcides; GUAGLIARDI, José Augusto. Alinhamento, contribuições e relações da tecnologia da informação com planos e planejamentos municipais: survey em prefeituras brasileiras. Revista de Administração-RAUSP, São Paulo, v. 42, n. 4, p. 454-467, jan. 2007.

E) Electronic document:

INSTITUTO FEDERAL DE MINAS GERAIS. Sete campi do IFMG promovem Semana Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia. Disponível em: < php/todas-as-noticias-ultimas-noticia/2415-semanas-ifmg>. Acesso em: 17 out. 2012.

f) Dissertation and Thesis

ALVES, José Eustáquio Diniz. Transição da fecundidade e relações de gênero no Brasil. 1994. 298f. Tese (Doutorado em Demografia) – Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 1994.

g) Events (seminars, congress...)

DAMASCENO, Andreia Cristina; MESQUITA, José Marcos Carvalho de. Indicadores de usabilidade da biblioteca de uma Instituição de ensino público federal. In: SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECAS UNIVERSITÁRIAS (SNBU), XVII., 2012, Gramado. Anais... Gramado: FAURGS, 2012. Disponível em: < pdf/4QAW.pdf>. Acesso em: 17 out. 2012.

h) Legal document

BRASIL. Congresso. Senado. Resolução n° 17, de 1991. Coleção de Leis da República Federativa do Brasil, Brasília, DF, v. 183, p. 1156-1157, maio/jun. 1991.


The attached papers have to be placed at the end of the article and identified through consecutive capital letters, dash and the corresponding titles. They must be quoted in the body of the text. Again, the complete article needs to be in no more than 15 (fifteen) pages, for example:

APPENDIX A - Numerical numerical evaluation of total inflammatory cells at four days of evolution

APPENDIX B - Evaluation of muscle cells present in regenerating tails


Roger Santos Ferreira

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